
Born and raised in California, I am fluent in both Chinese and English. I am currently a 9th grader in high school. I can instruct English,Java,as well as the basics of python and HTML. I am in my high school robotics software team, of which has finished in finals at Robosub for many years to come. I hope to inspire and teach those who have an open and ardent mindset to learn. Even if you don't know anything prior, that is completely fine, just have the right mindset and you'll learn quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, learning isn't only about mindlessly doing problems to ensure maximum retention, for me, learning is about finding different ways to tackle a problem. Learning is about having fun. Learning as well as teaching is what brings people from different backgrounds and cultures together. Besides that, I like playing video games and my saxophone as well as having a good time. I will ensure that your learning process is fun and useful. 我是一位在美国的加州出生的高中生。我现在在读高一。我可以教导英文,Java,和Python和HTML 的基础。我希望我可以教有积极爱学的心态的学生。即使你没有基本的知识,没有问题,只要有个好的心态就可以成功。还有,我觉得学习不是一遍又一遍做题。对我来说,学习是找不同的方法来解决一个问题。学习是一个很快乐的过程。学习可以把世界各地人连接起来。另外,我也喜欢打电子游戏,吹萨克斯风,和过特别开心的日子。我会保证你一定会取得一个良好和快乐的学习过程。